Saturday, March 5, 2011

Malaysia Johor Bahru Trip - Tebrau City Jusco/Tesco

5 Mar 2011

Take Causeway Link Bus 9B from JB Sentral and I need to cross the road inorder to reach Jusco Tebrau City... I must press the bell after the hospital bus stop or you will having hard time reach there... it takes around 3mins to reach there from bus stop...

Notice a weird 'No' sign, dunno what does it mean? / Wedding exhibition

Next to Jusco Tebrau City is Tesco, a smaller building with limited shop to buy stuffs and makan there...

Watch movie: The Adjustment Bureau at at Jusco Tebrau City and after that going back to JB Sentral in the evening...
But remember, I suggest that you must take cab as to reach the bus stop, you have to dangerously across the road to reach the highway bridge... drive car better but limited parking space there... I took Causeway Link Bus service 77 back to JB Sentral.


JB Sentral shops: Coolblog Mascot Bubble Tea

Purchases at Jusco Tebrau City...

Good for value if you went there to shop, entertainment and makan there... Jusco Bukit Indah don't have movie theater, hope they open one there, so can makan A&W and watch movie along the way...

And also noted that cute Doraemon iphone 4 design casing selling there in a h/p shop for RM30/= better than buying expensive, fragile, and no design at SGD$30++

What the next place I want to go in Malaysia? I guess I need to accumulate more $$ to go further places...

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